“Supporting people and businesses along the way towards their goals”, is Alfred Schaider’s main objective which he chose early on, inspired by early experiences as teamleader and in sales, during his studies in business management in Graz and Manchester. Consequently, this led him to specialise in personnel and organisational development as well as knowledge management.
To supplement his academic management know-how, Alfred Schaider also completed self-awareness-oriented trainer courses and further seminars such as radio and stage presentations, conflict partnership, coaching and team-development.
Alfred Schaider’s distinct talent to combine diverse approaches as well as dealing with people in an authentic, humorous and appreciative way, contributed vastly to his success as a trainer since 2000.
After training and coaching thousands of people from various business backgrounds, levels of education and age groups in the areas of leadership, sales, teamwork, conflict management, communication, self-marketing and issues arising from professional orientation he joined ISG in in 2006. He currently works on making his vision (and yours?) reality through customised team development, leadership and sales trainings and individual coachings – accommodating both economic and personal aspects in organisations assuring a company’s success.
In contact with managers, employees and HR of different branches Alfred Schaider developed as very special training-focus since 2010: „Making people happy at work!“
Combining scientifically-sound interventions from “positive psychology” (cf. Seligman, Peterson, Lyubomirsky, Diener, Csikszentmihalyi, Fredrickson, Cameron e.a) a relatively new branch of research, as well as techniques out of the Systemic and Logotherapeutic context he offers “Happy at work” as keynote-speech, seminar-program, teamworkshop or individual coaching-process.
Motto: „Meaning can´t be given, but it can be found;in our work, in our relationships and in our lives.“