Frank Vergin
Managing Partner
Frank Vergin is a Managing Consultant of ISG Germany, Ltd. and contact for all ISG Services in Rostock.
After training to become a certified machine-assembly technician, he successfully completed an Engineering Degree in Shipbuilding (FH) from the University of Rostock, as well as a distance-learning course to become a state-qualified business manager.
During his career, Frank Vergin gained extensive experience in various functions as well as technical and management positions. For many years he was responsible in the areas of production, technology and development in the chemical industry and mechanical engineering as well as in personnel management, staff development and training in the field of personnel consulting and recruiting. Building on this experience, he founded his own successful company with several branches in wholesale and retail as well as business consulting. Thus, he gained further experience in the areas of sales, controlling, marketing, production, marketing of the company’s own brands at home and abroad as well as in supply-chain management, and successfully demonstrated his entrepreneurial skills in the conduct of his business.
For him, personnel consulting means focusing on people, finding what is shared and strengthening it because this is the basis for long-term success. Only when one understands things as they are, can they be changed together more easily.
Areas of Expertise:
- Search & selection of specialists and executives / Executive Search
- Diagnosis / analysis of potential
Motto: „If you do not try to do something that is beyond what you have already mastered, then you will not grow.“ (Ralph Waldo Emerson)