Parallel to her studies of psychology with the focus on occupational, organizational and industrial psychology at the University of Vienna, Martina Süssl began her professional career in the service team of DO & CO. To be host with all her heart and soul and to fulfill the highest quality standards was a daily challenge to be met. The awareness that customers are the only reason for the existence of a business, affects her working style to this day.
During this ten-year stint she was responsible for the organization and direction of numerous projects and in 1997 she was – based on her success – appointed as manager of a profit-centre. In this function she was able to gather important experience in management and was able to deploy instruments of personnel management as well as recruiting, implementing and leading appraisal interviews, developing and carrying out in-house workshops. Cost responsibility and result responsibility helped her understand the ways of business and entrepreneurial thinking.
- Search & Selection of specialists and senior staff
- Design and implementation of assessment centres
- Potential analysis and psychological diagnostics
- Outplacement projects
Due to her above-average commitment she looks after her customers providing highest quality and sustainability.
Motto: „The only way to improve something is by questioning it.“