
Business Development Partner (UAE & KSA)

Unlock Financial Freedom While Working from Anywhere!
Are you eager to transform lives and make a real impact?
If so, this is your chance.

As we, ISG, a leading international HR Solutions Provider with 60 offices across 40+ countries, expand in the GCC region, we need a driven Business Development Partner to spearhead growth in the UAE and KSA.

What You’ll Get:

  • High-earning potential with lucrative commission-based compensation.
  • Complete flexibility with a fully remote role.
  • Lead growth initiatives for a top-tier global consulting firm.

What We’re Looking For:

  • Proven experience in HR solutions business development.
  • Deep cultural insight into UAE and KSA markets.
  • Fluency in Arabic (preferred).
  • Exceptional communication and negotiation skills.
  • Confident in engaging decision-makers and securing intro meetings.
  • Comfortable with cold calling and handling rejection gracefully.
  • Passionate about making a positive impact through HR solutions.
  • Self-motivated and adept at remote work.

What You'll Do:

  • Make us speechless with your business development prowess.

Ready to achieve financial freedom while working from anywhere and making a difference in the UAE and KSA? Connect with us!
We look forward to receiving your comprehensive application with reference number 103.546 preferably through our ISG career portal or via email.

Visit us at - where you can find daily updates on new job offers.